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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Slide Into Oblivion Continues

I've just returned from signing my son up for pre-school in what can only be called a "highly competitive" environment. We're applying at three different schools, and we're not confident that we'll get into any of them. You'd think school in this country was actually something impressive. But no matter how bad we have it, there's always someone who has it worse.

I'd consider myself a pretty cynical guy when it comes to observing the general public in action, but even I am knocked back on my heels occasionally by the sheer idiocy that comes from supposedly educated and enlightened people. Check this out.

A school in London has banned children from raising their hands to get the attention of teachers. It appears that these erudite (and proper, to be sure) school administrators have determined that some kids shoot their hands up before they actually consider the question. The result? Catastrophe!!! When the teacher calls on the kid and he (It's usually boys, they point out.) doesn't know the answer, you can just imagine the damage being done. It's probably right up there with witnessing the murder of his parents. He gets it wrong - in front of everyone. And...if that weren't enough...

The same school has instituted a "phone a friend" program for kids who don't know the answers. That way, they're spared the victimization that comes with being unable to answer questions in public. This MUST be a joke, but I fear it is not.

Folks, this goes hand in hand with the inane focus on self-esteem at any price. The consequence that these short-sighted morons completely fail to see is that helping a child to avoid any discomfort early in life just guarantees that he or she will be paralyzed to deal with it later - when the price of burying one's head in the sand is orders of magnitude higher. The bottom line is that failure is the single best tool to motivate and improve a human being. Yes, it has to be interpreted appropriately by adults - isn't that what they're there for? - but failure is essential. If things keep going in this direction, the folks that single-handedly stood up to Hitler for three years during WWII won't be able to stand up to a blister on their toe. Pathetic.


Blogger Michael Gersh said...

This whole self esteem thing is from the same folks that gave us the correlation is causation idea. It seems that they have figured out that kids with self esteem have a better time of their childhoods, therefore granting the other kids phoney emoluments of self esteem will also have a better time of childhood. What a crock!

At my kids' middle school, the sports teams refuse to keep score, I guess so that no team will have to lose, and suffer a stroke against their self-esteem. Yet, after a game, fights are likely to erupt over kids from different teams remembering different scores. It turns out that the chidren are keeping score, on their own. In this case, the kids are smarter than the adults.

2/01/2006 02:21:00 PM


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