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Friday, January 21, 2005

"Million Dollar Baby" - Movie Review

I feel cheap. I feel violated. I was lured in by a Rockie movie with Stallone as "Mick" and Swank as Stallone. And, it delivered, in spades. Poor girl comes from nothing, decides at age 30 that the only thing that makes her happy is boxing, or at least trying to box. Old, wise, curmudgeon of boxing trainer, estranged from his daughter, finally sees she has heart and decides to train her. Obligatory training scenes and then I'm watching the Brad Pitt movie, "Snatch." This girl starts knocking opponents out in the first seconds of the first round - again and again and again. She rises through the ranks and ends up in a title bout. Exciting, huh?

You're thinking, "Man, is this guy a tool or what? He's reciting the plot note for note." You ain't seen nothing yet. So here's Swank in the world welterweight title fight. She gets sucker punched after the bell and smashes her neck on an overturned corner stool. She's out. Beat. Fade in... hospital room, neck brace, breathing machine. And just like that, what was an awesome movie turns into the shittiest movie experience I've had since I was lulled into a coma by the endless acts of futility known as fight scenes in, "The Matrix Reloaded." Swank is completely paralyzed...for good. Eastwood, who now thinks of her as a daughter, is devastated. He quickly recovers his pragmatism and gets to work attending to her. Eventually, due to bed sores, Swank's leg has to be amputated. Really. I'm not kidding.

Understandably, she decides it's not worth it and pleads with Eastwood to off her. Of course, he can't do it. So she decides to take care of it herself - she bites her tongue off, hoping to bleed out. No dice - the staff saves her. She tries again; they save her again. Now, with padding on her tongue, she's sedated into la la land. Eastwood can't take it. In the middle of the night, he sneaks in and does the deed. Then, he disappears. Fade to black.

That's about it. Eastwood and pals committed what I would consider the ultimate insult on moviegoers - they set up and promoted a feel-good movie, but they delivered a movie that made "Beaches" and "Dying Young" seem like "Finding Nemo." Assholes. And that's the problem with assholes - you spend enough time with them, you end up being an asshole yourself. Me ruining this movie for you is a perfect example of an asshole move, so apparently, in this case, it only took 132 minutes. My bad.

Oh yes, and just so you know, the critics loved it. Don't that beat all?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason the critics loved Million Dollar Baby is because the female boxer came to a bad end, and a man in loco parentis made the final decision to do what must be done. Can't have a GRRRL! have a successful boxing career! Not without repercussions.


Idiot Grrrl, just finishing reading the feminist blogs.

1/22/2005 06:47:00 PM

Blogger Chris Wilson said...

The reason they loved it so much is simple - they are obsessed with nuance, both technical and otherwise. It seems like, across the board, movie critics quasi-intellectuals trying to out intellectual each other. The objective of a movie review be damned. So, in dwelling on Eastwood's reserved but powerful performance and the gritty feel of the movie, they missed the most crucial thing - whether or not it lived up to expectations. Eastwood knew he was pulling a fast one with that movie, or he'd have given some indication that things weren't going to end up with Swank screaming, "Adrian!" I'm still mad about this.

1/23/2005 12:24:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neither came close to "Harold and Kumar Go To Whitecastle"


1/26/2005 03:25:00 PM

Blogger Chris Wilson said...

I liked "Sideways." That cab driver from "Wings" cracked me up through the whole thing.

1/26/2005 10:35:00 PM

Blogger Michael Gersh said...

Thanks for saving me the time and money on this evident piece of trash. But you missed the idea here. To a secular humanist, this is a feel good movie. Secukar humanists, and leftists generally, are obsessed with death. Their main issues are concerned with death, whether they are campaigning in favor of infanticide or against capital punishment, they are concerning themselves with death. Assisted suicide is another of their death based, pet issues. Thinking about the freedom to die can make a leftist need a change of underwear. Not to mention that abusing their audience is a favorite tactic of this crowd. Woody Allen made a career by building a fan base with humor, then cashing in with ponderous films concerning serious issues, or at least serious to him.

The real funny part is that, with their female Rocky dead, they have little chance of cashing in with a sequel.

1/27/2005 03:01:00 AM

Blogger Chris Wilson said...

I'm not saying it was a piece of trash. It was actually an excellent movie. I'm just saying I couldn't get past being had by the misleading previews.

And I'm not ready to agree that secular humanists are obsessed with death. Most I know, including myself, are obsessed with life and not wasting it believing in nonsense.

"The real funny part is that, with their female Rocky dead, they have little chance of cashing in with a sequel."

Now, that IS funny! Maybe Eastwood comes back and helps a special olympics kid become the champ. Open your mind, Gersh!

1/28/2005 02:31:00 AM


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