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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Thin-Slicing and Attraction Triggers

Even though I finished it a while ago, I continue to dwell on the notion of thin-slicing that Malcolm Gladwell writes about it his latest, Blink. " 'Thin-slicing' refers to the ability of our unconscious to find patterns in situations and behavior based upon very narrow slices of experience." Gladwell covers a variety of situations that exemplify how thin-slicing works, and more importantly, how it often works better than making decisions based upon a great deal of information. Indeed, this is really the point of Blink. But, upon further consideration, one example, the one I referred to in my appearance delta theory, has prompted me to extend the concept to include what I'll call attraction triggers.

Gladwell, in illuminating the "dark side" of thin-slicing, spends some time on how we often form our opinions of individuals based upon the slightest of information. Our visual first impression often has the effect of coloring our assessments dramatically. He refers us to a test some psychologists have developed called the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Subjects are given a list of words and are asked to choose which of two categories the words belong to. For example, the list may be a list of names and the category choices may be male or female. Subject responses are timed. Since most people have considerable experiences that say the name Mary is a female name, responses in this easy test are very fast (between 400 and 600 milliseconds). The association between name and gender is well established within our culture. But when the categories and words are changed, interesting things start to happen.

Suppose, there are two possible words for each category - say male or family on one side and female or career on the other. Then, the subject still has to put the words into one of two categories, but they have to figure out which is best by considering four alternatives, not two. Confused yet? Here's an example.

Male......................................... Female
or............................................... or
Family ......................................Career


So the subject simply has to place an X either to the left or the right of the word (Babies, for example) to indicate which category the word falls into. Interestingly, because we naturally associate maleness with careers and femaleness with families, this test is pretty tough. Our natural tendency is to want to put entrepreneur on the male side, but it is clearly related to career. That little mental wavering manifests itself in additional time to taken to make the choice - on the order of 200 to 300 milliseconds more than what is seen for a naturally strong association. The point is that, by pairing certain words together, the psychologists administering the IAT have found evidence of all sorts of inherent bias in how we assess things and other people.

One bias that we might not expect or want to accept is a racial bias. You can go here to take the Race IAT for yourself. (Be warned - you're likely to be dismayed by the results.) When the categories are European American or Bad and African American or Good, all hell breaks loose. When we should be able to breeze through a series of pictures and take no more than 400-600 milliseconds to make our choices, we take much longer. When we should be able to take words like Evil, Hurt, and Wonderful and easily place them into their proper categories in short order, we simply do not. It appears that our thin-slicing proclivities are very much a function of our personal experiences and of our assessments of cultural norms. Though tests like the Race IAT should give us some serious pause, I wonder if we could take the same idea and apply it to how we assess appearance deltas.

Though the IAT asks subjects to assign words to categories, it isn't very much different than the "hot or not" craze that has taken up residence in many corners of the Internet. In this case, subjects are asked if a person in a picture is hot or not. Now, they are not timed, so this isn't particularly rigorous experimentation. But what if they were? What if the point was to determine one's hotness or not hotness as quickly as possible, and the responses were meaured in milliseconds? Would be there be ways that we could manipulate the pictures to get faster or slower responses? I say there would, and they would revolve around attraction triggers.

Suppose we put up a picture of a girl with a dead-pan look on her face and then gave the test to 100 people. Then, we put up the same girl, but with a big smile on her face. Would she get more "hots" than she did in the first test? Who knows? If she was on the fence - say 50 out of 100 said she was hot in the first test - we should expect that number to go up on the second test (unless she had major dental issues). This is because, all things being equal, someone who smiles is more attractive than someone who does not, and we know it in a fraction of a second. Is there more?

Ever seen someone from a distance and thought they were attractive, only to learn as they got closer that you were wrong? Of course, it's happened to all of us. But can you put your finger on what it was that contributed most to the assessment early on? Maybe the person had an attractive walk, or maybe he or she was wearing a flashy outfit. Whatever it was, I think we can think of it as an attraction trigger, something that, when it is thin-sliced, leads people to think "hot." Of course, a distant attraction trigger often dissipates as the distance closes. But, is it possible that there are attraction triggers that are seen up close and contribute disproportionally to one's delta (or lack thereof)?

Teeth might be a good example. If someone has a brilliant smile, it may be so captivating that it offsets other features that might raise one's delta. And this is not insignificant. As Gladwell's book points out, the biases that are invoked when we're thin-slicing are not just fleeting impressions. They color how we behave going forward. So if we could do something to alter those first impressions in our favor, we may find interpersonal acceptance easier to come by.

Again, we find ourselves up against the sell-out conundrum - which is to say, is it worth it to modify our appearances to get what we want from other people? In some cases, whether we want to admit or not, the answer for all of us is yes. So the real question is when. And now, with the notion of attraction triggers, we can consider large-scale changes (such as dieting, exercising, and cosmetic surgery) and more subtle changes.

One friend of mine loves girls in pony tails. On a scale of 1-10, she can be a 6 but he'll go for her like she's a 9. It's weird really, but I'm convinced that most people have these quirks. So if an average girl happened to be interested in my friend, she would be well served to know his attraction trigger and wear her hair accordingly. This is a simplistic example, I know, but I'm just trying to throw another twist into the appearance delta concept. I think it's useful, even if as only a more descriptive way to observe and contemplate the human drama as it unfolds. Would a working familiarity with attraction triggers constitute enlightenment? Why not? Maybe it makes things just a little bit brighter.


Blogger Chris Wilson said...

Alice, as always, you bring up a good point. My first response is to wonder if the important point of the attraction trigger concept is the trigger itself. Could there also be a sexual trigger?

I think this is behind these teen ad campaigns, and behind the lower waistlines. Perhaps these images, to a hormone delirious teenage brain, are triggers that put the older parts of the brain in charge.

I think most fads come about as a result of our caveman quest for concurrence using our quest for status as a tool. Step 1 - everybody agrees on what is cool. Step 2 - everyone tries their hardest to get on board. Step 3 - those who get close to the cool standard assign themselves a higher place than those who do not, thus forming their own little team, a concurrent group. (Incidentally, this sequence of events is not at all limited to the young.)

Now suppose this teen tendency can be kicked into overdrive by taking reason out of the equation. That's where these ads are coming from (though probably not by way of my theories). The brooding girl exudes sex much more than the frolicking girl in the same clothes. Lovely, isn't it?

4/07/2005 12:02:00 AM

Blogger Chris Wilson said...

OK, so if this isn't about looking sexy, perhaps there's another explanation. As we know, a central feature of adolescence is rebellion against the world. Maybe these bored young ladies are not meant to come off as sex symbols, so much as they are meant to come off as status symbols.

They're cool because they're indifferent. It seems to me that teens typically look up to people who thumb their nose at authority, people who, regardless of how good they have it, find some reason to call bullshit on the world they live in. So maybe the girls shopping in these stores see *role models* and not just fashion models adorning the walls.

"Jeez, like, if I could just look totally bored with it all like that girl, I'd probably, like, get noticed."

4/14/2005 01:13:00 AM

Blogger Karan said...

ThinSlicing has it's benefits but also has it’s downsides – sometimes fatal!
Check out this story for more.

7/18/2013 02:56:00 PM


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